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Women's empowerment in business. Triune dialogue: state,business, society - Join efforts at the nationaland corporate levels to promote SDG 5 Agenda

The project is implemented in accordance with the Women`s Empowerment Principles platform, jointly formed by the UN Global Compact Office (UN GCO) and UN Women, taking into account the National Strategy on Action for Women 2023-2030, approved by the Russian Government in December 2022.

About WEPs

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a set of Principles offering guidance to business on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. Established by UN Women and UN Global Compact, the WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards and grounded in the recognition that businesses have a stake in, and a responsibility for, gender equality and women’s empowerment.

WEPs are a primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By joining the WEPs community, the CEO signals commitment to this agenda at the highest levels of the company and to work collaboratively in multistakeholder networks to foster business practices that empower women. These include equal pay for work of equal value, gender-responsive supply chain practices and zero tolerance against sexual harassment in the workplace.

The Project Includes:

1. Conduct a series of round tables with the participation of business, government andthe international community representatives on problematic topics of gender equalityand their solutions:
• "Readiness of Russian business to join WEPs. WEPs Platform potential.";
• "Corporate practices on the SDG 5 Agenda in various industries, countries, regions. Cases. Partnerships.";
• "Integrating SDG 5 into solving the tasks of other SDGs";
• "SDG 5 in the supply chain of the Russian companies";
• "SDG 5 and the UN Guiding principles on Business and Human Rights";
• "The role of women in the context of the environmental and climate agenda".

2. Launch of the UN Global Compact Accelerator "Target Gender Equality"

3. Conduct educational events on the topic (webinars, round tables, Marathon ongender equality)

4. Record a series of audio podcasts on key and sensitive aspects of SDG 5 Agenda

The key stage of the project will be "Creation of an Expert Platform". This will be a permanent platform with an information resource on the National Network website, offline and online meetings, and discussions on SDG 5, including sensitive topics.

UN Global Compact Learning Marathon on SDG5 

1) Target setting for gender equality for SMEs - Europe and N. AmericaAsia PacificAfrica and Middle East;

2) Target setting for gender equality for MNCs - Europe and N. AmericaAsia PacificAfrica and Middle East;

3) Bringing more women into the boardroom
Speaker: Dinali Peiris, Group Human Resources Director at MAS Holdings
Country: Sri Lanka

4) The role of men in achieving gender equality
Speake: Martin Ochien’g, Group Managing Director at Sasini PLC
Country: Kenya

Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.