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UN Global Compact Russia


The 2022 Global Impact Conference (GIC 2022)


The third Global Impact Conference 2022 (GIC 2022) organised by the Rosatom Corporate Academy took place in Nizhny Novgorod from 1 to 2 January 2022. The theme of this year's conference was education - "Education X: Catalyst of the Future". The main aim of the conference was to discuss with experts from different countries working tools to improve access to quality education for those regions and population groups for whom these opportunities are limited. Experts from 20 countries - India, China, Russia, Turkey, UAE, Oman, Armenia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, Latin America and Africa - participated. More than 30 educators shared regional experiences and practices. 

The Global Compact Network Russia was a partner of the conference. Natalia Dorpeko, Executive Director of the Association, took part in the conference as an expert in a panel discussion entitled 'Green Careers Pathway: Towards a Sustainable Future'. Rachid Alouash, Joint Programme Officer of the Russian Federation and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, was also among the panellists.
More information about the conference can be found on the official website -

Articles & Interviews

António Guterres. UN must lead ‘surge in diplomacy’

Elena Feoktistova. Farther away from the brink

Diplomat in swimming costume. Icy reception by Lewis Pugh

Ivana Modena. Sustainable development is a holistic way of life.