In June 2024, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SGSN) published the Sustainable Development Report (SDR).
Published annually since 2016, the SDR global edition includes the SDG Index and dashboards with a rating of the performance of all UN member states in achieving the SDGs. In addition to the SDG Index, this year's edition includes a new Index - countries' support for multilateral activities based on the United Nations, covering all 193 UN member states, and new FABLE paths demonstrating how to achieve sustainability of food and agricultural systems by the middle of the century. The report assesses the progress of 193 States. 100 points means that all the SDGs have been achieved.
This year, Finland (86.35), Sweden (85.70) and Denmark (85) became the leaders of the rating. Russia ranked 56th out of 167 in the SDG achievement ranking with a score of 73.10 points.
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Sustainable Development Report 2024