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UN Global Compact Russia


Metalloinvest has published its 2022 Sustainability Report


July 3, 2023

Metalloinvest has published its 2022 Sustainability Report "True to Ourselves in All Circumstances".
Despite the changes that are taking place in the global economy, the company remains open and committed to the ESG principles and systematic work in the key areas of sustainable development. And it's paying off.
In 2022, Metalloinvest improved its sustainability rating from ISS ESG to C+, confirmed its "silver" level in the EcoVadis rating and was ranked fifth out of 138 companies in the steel industry by Sustainalytics.
AK&M Sustainability and Nature Conservation research showed Metalloinvest to be the best among ferrous metallurgy companies.

To view the full version of the Report, please visit the Company's website.

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