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Business discussion "ESG agenda in Russia: development and trends"


On August 29, the business discussion "ESG agenda in Russia: development and trends" took place

The discussion took place on the site of the Green One Club business club. The event was organized by the UNGC Network Russia and O1 Properties.

In recent years, sustainable development has gained more weight and importance at the national level, contributing to the development of the country's economy, the growth of social capital, environmental and climatic well-being. Experts confirm the role of sustainable development aspects in ensuring reliable supply chains and developing international and industry business partnerships.

The key confirmation of the commitment of the Russian Federation to the policy of sustainable development is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the national Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the future up to 2036" dated May 7, 2024. The text of the decree, along with the goals of "ensuring sustainable economic and social development of the Russian Federation, strengthening state, cultural, value and economic sovereignty," includes "openness to the outside world."

An example of responsible international cooperation in the field of sustainable development is the Analytical Report of the Bank of Russia 2024 "Activities of central (national) banks participating in the ESG direction", which reflects the current state of regulation in the field of sustainable development in the member countries of the Eurasian Council of Central Banks (ESB). The main conclusions of the report confirm the relevance of the agenda of sustainable development and climate transition in all the countries of the European Union. The document also reflects the measures taken by States to ensure smooth movement towards a low-greenhouse gas emissions economy and adaptation to climate change, the formation of mandatory and voluntary carbon markets in a number of jurisdictions, the need to assess and take into account climate risks, as well as the desire to harmonize approaches to sustainable (including green) activities and joint analysis the practice of assigning ESG ratings and their methodologies.

On August 13, 2024, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation published a Report on the results of the Audit of the implementation of measures aimed at implementing the principles of sustainable financing and responsible business in the Russian Federation for the period from 2021 to 2023, which analyzed measures of state incentives for responsible business and noted a fairly high level of development of this area in the Russian Federation. At the same time, a number of aspects have been identified that slow down the process of introducing the principles of responsible business and sustainable financing into the Russian economy. The Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation has also prepared recommendations based on the results of this Audit.

On August 29, with the participation of experts and all interested parties, we plan to discuss the following topics:

- Which ESG trends will be a priority in the medium term?
- Which areas of sustainable development have leading industry companies identified as priorities?
- Which ESG tools have lost relevance and no longer work?
- What practices need to be strengthened and developed to ensure sustainable development?

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