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PJSC "MMC "Norilsk Nickel"

Nornickel is Russia’s leading metals and mining company and the world’s largest high-grade nickel and palladium producer.
CSR principles as they relate to the society:
•    production of competitive products to cater for demand and safety requirements, providing volumes, quality, and product range in line with the current market trends;
•    operational excellence in the best interests of business and society and with the use of resource saving technologies;
•    strict compliance with the tax and other laws of the countries of the Group’s operation;
•    adherence to international agreements and best practices.
Nornickel declares its commitment to human rights as provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other Russian laws, generally accepted principles and rules of international law set out in declarations, conventions, and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation and other international organisations. In 2005, Nornickel joined the Social Charter of the Russian Business.


UN and Russian Business: Framework and Prospects for Cooperation

On October 18, Russian UNGC Local Network and UN Information Center in Moscow organized a joint roundtable devoted to celebrate the 70th UN Anniversary in Russia and to the topic of Russian business cooperation with the worldwide Organization.

UNGC Local Network Russia Board Composition Updated

On September, 27 the United Nations representation in Moscow (UN House in Moscow) hosted the General Meeting of the Association ‘National Network of the Global Compact’, key result of which has become the updated Board Composition.

UN Global Compact Participants are among Russian Leaders of Transparency and Corporate Social Responsibility

AFK ‘Sistema’, Lukoil, and Norilsk Nickel, participants of Russian UN Global Compact network, according to the results of the ‘Responsibility and Openness’ and ‘Sustainable Development Agenda’ instalment indices, developed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), have joined the ranks of the top leaders on the level of information disclosure on corporate social responsibility. Indices were created based on public annual and non-financial reporting analysis of top-100 largest corporations of RAEX-600 and RBK-500 ratings.

Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.