Events of the UN Global Compact Network Russia
Meeting of the Council for Energy Transition and Sustainable Energy Development of the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia
Add to calendar 25-06-2024 12:55
01-01-1970 03:00
Meeting of the Council for Energy Transition and Sustainable Energy Development of the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia
Participation format: hybrid
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Launch of an information portal based on the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia on the topic of a fair energy transition Alikhan Avarsky, Head of Climate Change Adaptation at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
2. The contribution of youth to the joint efforts of the parties to ensure a sustainable energy transition. Alexander Kormishin, Chairman of the BRICS Youth Energy Agency - Director of the Center for International Partnerships of the ANO Rosatom Corporate Academy
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Launch of an information portal based on the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia on the topic of a fair energy transition Alikhan Avarsky, Head of Climate Change Adaptation at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
2. The contribution of youth to the joint efforts of the parties to ensure a sustainable energy transition. Alexander Kormishin, Chairman of the BRICS Youth Energy Agency - Director of the Center for International Partnerships of the ANO Rosatom Corporate Academy
Participation format: hybrid
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Launch of an information portal based on the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia on the topic of a fair energy transition Alikhan Avarsky, Head of Climate Change Adaptation at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
2. The contribution of youth to the joint efforts of the parties to ensure a sustainable energy transition. Alexander Kormishin, Chairman of the BRICS Youth Energy Agency - Director of the Center for International Partnerships of the ANO Rosatom Corporate Academy
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Launch of an information portal based on the National Network of the UN Global Compact in Russia on the topic of a fair energy transition Alikhan Avarsky, Head of Climate Change Adaptation at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
2. The contribution of youth to the joint efforts of the parties to ensure a sustainable energy transition. Alexander Kormishin, Chairman of the BRICS Youth Energy Agency - Director of the Center for International Partnerships of the ANO Rosatom Corporate Academy